Request a Quote

Want a quote or bid for bulk supplies? Need kits for your school or outreach program? Tell us how to help.

Contact Information

Example: (555) 555-555

Quote Details

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Insert the date you need the bid. Please allow for a two business day turn-around time.
Insert the date you need the items in-hand. Please allow for at least a 10 day turnaround time to receive your kit.

Products Needed

You can submit your list to us in multiple ways. Either include your details below, upload a file, fax us your details or use all three! We will be in touch to complete your bid before the time you requested above.

You may only upload 1 file.

Fax your list, notify us by checking the box below. Our fax number is (480) 922-2476. Please include your organization name and a contact person on your cover sheet.

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